Welcome friend! I'm your new friend and educator. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Amber x

What if you could learn how to launch a profitable social media management business in just 6 weeks

…even if you’re brand new to the online space 

With Forbes announcing digital marketing as the highest-earning industry in 2023, there’s never been a better time to pursue a career in social media.

Add on endless career progression opportunities with the right foundation learnt in this course, and you’ll have a successful business up and running in no time!

Want a slice of a multi billion dollar growing industry?

PPST: YOU CAN - with my step-by-step, self-paced TSL Foundations Course. 

Building a profitable social media management business doesn’t have to be hard…

You just need the right skills. 

The tools and resources to show up as a professional. 

A coach to give you ALL their knowledge from over 5 years in the digital marketing industry. 

I GET IT… this was once me.

I started working in digital marketing during a time (way before COVID times), working with corporate sports organisations all the way to a multi-7 figure company. 

I got to a point where I learnt A LOT about the marketing industry and sales in general, but needed a new challenge. 

That’s where I started social media management freelancing for health and wellness brands. 

…but it wasn’t all smooth sailing. I struggled with…

The basics of starting a business. 

Pricing my services, which lead to undercharging and BURN OUT.

Knowing which systems to use in order to build an automated business. 

With two years of learning along the way, I self-taught myself everything and finally understood the elements to build a business with client experience at the forefront. 

After working with some leading brands worldwide, I built a boutique agency from scratch signing soul-aligned clients.

Now, I'm teaching you the exact framework to build your own successful social media business. 

The missing link to get from where I started to now?

A coach who SOLELY worked with aspiring social media professionals. 


The Social Launchpad: Foundations

In this 6-week self-study program, you'll receive expert guidance and practical tools to launch and build your own successful social media management business. Designed specifically for aspiring and beginner social media managers like you, this course provides the roadmap and resources you need to thrive in the digital landscape.


Here's what's going down inside the course...

This module is about setting up your business the proper way, along with all of our tech recommendations.

  • Set up checklist on ensuring you’ve set your business up with the foundations for success
  • Tech stack guide that will show you the EXACT tech tools I use within my agency that can also allow you to grow from a freelancer to agency model in the future. 

Setting Up the Business Essentials For Success

Understand the type of clients you want to work and the goals you want to achieve to help you stay accountable.

  • Market research guide to determine whether your chosen niche is aligned with your values
  • Yearly Goal Setting framework to help you set goals for the short and long-term. 
  • Revenue / expenses calculator

Market Research & Goal Setting


Use our simple and proven guide to create irresistible packages with add-on inclusions to build more recurring revenue 

  • Pricing Guide to ensure you learn how to correctly package and price your services based on your current expertise level
  • Packages and Pricing Template to use in your freelance business that you can plug-n-play and use to send to clients. 


Pricing your Services 

Ready to build a strong  brand & presence that will have you booked out with a waitlist? We’ll chat through uncovering your brand identity, the difference between feminine vs masculine branding and how to dfferenciate yourself amongst the crowd with your branding alone.


  • Moodboard template to ensure your aesthetic is cohesive to create a strong visual identity. 
  • Branding Guidelines Template to serve as your own brand style guide that can also be used for your clients!

Branding and Marketing


One of the most important modules in this course - finding and pitching to clients. We’ll cover strategic ways to find clients, keeping track of leads and how to attract and qualify leads for your business. 

  • Client Work Proposal Template
  • Email Outreach template (with over 95% success rate)
  • Airtable template to keeping track of leads


Find and Pitch to Potential Clients

A seamless client management workflow gives your clients confidence that they can trust you. We’ll discuss onboarding, creating a seamless client journey from start to finish, and time management tools to ensure you can manage multiple clients.

  • Client Welcome Kit Template 
  • Client Offboarding Template

Client Management 


Imagine waking up each day excited to work on projects you love, knowing that you're in control of your career and your future. The Social Launchpad Academy: Foundations can help you turn that dream into a reality.

Pay in Full

Easy Payment Plan

One-time payment of $897 AUD

3 x payments of $299 AUD

  • 6 x modules you can access anywhere, anytime.
  • Plug & Play Templates 
  • Guided Video Lessons 
  • Resources and Guides
  • BONUS: VIP Key Document Bundle made for social media managers
  • + MORE!

  • 6 x modules you can access anywhere, anytime.
  • Plug & Play Templates 
  • Guided Video Lessons 
  • Resources and Guides
  • BONUS: VIP Key Document Bundle made for social media managers
  • + MORE!

Extended Payment Plan

6 x payments of $149.50 AUD

  • 6 x modules you can access anywhere, anytime.
  • Plug & Play Templates 
  • Guided Video Lessons 
  • Resources and Guides
  • BONUS: VIP Key Document Bundle made for social media managers
  • + MORE!

This program is well-suited for any aspiring social media professional. Whether you’re brand new and still exploring the social media industry, or you’re in the start-up phase trying to figure out the next steps, this program is for you!

If you’re more advanced or a few years into your journey, you might want to look at our Accelerator Program launching in March 2024.


How do I know if this course is a good fit for me?

Even if you have 0 clients, or multiple clients, I’ll teach you everything you need to know!

How do I know if this course is a good fit for me?

What if I don’t have any clients yet?

I’m still trying to figure out whether social media is suited to me… is this still a good fit if I wanted to start out as a VA?

How soon will I see results?

If you decide you don’t want to go down the social media route, this program is also a good fit and suited to VA’s teaching you all of the foundations. 

This will depend on you and the work you want to put in. That said MOST, of our students see results (aka new clients and more money) within the first 90 days!

Will I be supported?

When you join the Foundations, you’ll receive my entire course full of resources that I currently use for agency clients. 

But in case that's not enough and you want some extra assistance, Amber is available for 1:1 VIP coaching sessions. You can check out the packages via the coaching page. 

Is there someone I can talk to about the program?

You can email our team at hello@thesociallaunchpad.com and we’ll answer your questions! 

Are you wanting to leave the 9-5, do what you truly love and pull more time, freedom and happiness from your life? #goals, right? 

The missing link to get there? A coach who's built a successful agency from the ground up and knows how to get you from A to B.

That's where I come in... I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to build and scale your social media business… with and all the ease.

ceo, business coach and educator helping other leading ladies grow and scale their business.

I'm Amber! The girl who fell in love with social media marketing.

In case we haven't met yet...

Shall we get this party started?

Welcome friend! I'm your new friend and educator. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Amber x